

White Lies

Ein Tanztheaterstück von Bianca Pulungan.

Die soziale Lüge -die "White Lie"- dient dem Wohl des Belogenen oder der Harmonie einer Gruppe und ist ein fester Bestandteil des sozialen Lebens. Dabei ist sie so facettenreich wie die Gesellschaft selbst; Sie ist abhängig von den Wertvorstellungen und der Kultur der betroffenen Menschen und dem sozialen und politischen Umfeld, in welchem sie wirken soll-und entwickelt so ihre eigene Dynamik.

Mit ihren 5 Tänzern präsentiert Bianca Pulungan ein Stück über die Beziehung zwischen Menschen, die auf ihren eigenen weißen Lügen basiert. Der Anschluss und die Auswirkung dieser ironischen Beziehung erzeugen surreale Situationen auf der Bühne, die in Form von Bewegungen und gewagtem Dialog dargestellt werden. *Photos*



The dance film Martini is a story about three women that are living under misinterpretation of values. These three women begin to evaluate their values after encountering a chain reaction of events. Appearance of one woman who portrays the essence of human naivety triggered this chain reaction. The sensibility, the intuition and the nature approach of this feminine dimension spread through these three women and gave them back the balance in their values.




You go against it? You give up? Or, you ignore it?

How about getting to know it?

Moral rules, norms, religious rules are considered limitations and boundaries that take away our freedom and rights. Is it?

Bianca Pulungan growing up in Indonesia as half Indonesian half German has always been confronted with this question. The strong morality, norms, and tradition are part of her growing up. Now, being in Europe for quite a while, she recognizes the big need of freedom in the society. Nevertheless, seeing that freedom stands on its own, she question, where is the limit? Where are the boundaries? This conflict is expressed in Forgo.


Game Over

In this piece, the choreographer is working based on the words Game Over. The interpretation of the words is the initiation of the piece. The choreographer being a dancer herself links the words to a situation where a person(dancer) has no more reason of joy to move. A feeling of numbness in ones body. This piece then turns out to be a piece about the effort to start again. The process to start moving, by doing from the basic and doing things that are familiar is described in the piece as its own journey.




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